Useful links to help you visit and settle in Spain

Retire to Spain with our support

Spain is many people’s idea of a perfect retirement location, and residential mobile home parks are an ideal way to retire to Spain with ease. To begin with you will want to come and visit the park to see the quality and the lifestyle. To do that we have some great links to help you. You can be ahead of the game before your visit to the park.

We begin with saving you money.

First, be prepared for whatever happens. Open up a Wise account in advance so you can exchange money from GBP to Euros to make any larger payments you need to make in Spain; it’s much cheaper than using your bank. It’s an absolute must if thinking of buying a park home in euros.

You pay in GBP, and Transferwise settles the payment in Euros. It is far cheaper than a bank, and the exchange rate will be at least 3 cents more to the Pound than tourist exchange rates. Ideal also for paying things like park fees whilst you are back in the UK

It costs nothing to open an account or have an account; there are no fees until you want to make an exchange.

Next, we suggest you get a Revolut top-up credit card, which gives you the full GBP to € exchange rates without fees. It is perfect for Spain and will save you a lot of money. You will get at least 3 cents to the Pound more than changing cash at tourist rates.

Better still is that you exchange only what you spend. Easily pay for your hotel or meals in euros without losing out on the exchange rate or paying a transaction fee. It works perfectly as a simple debit/credit card and saves you money simultaneously.

The card is linked to an app on the phone. You simply load it with GBP when you are about to travel. Paying in Euros converts what is required from the GBP amount on the card. Very clever.

It tells you how much it costs you in both Euros and GBP at the time. The exchange rate is that shown on the BBC and not the tourist exchange rate. These are significant savings, and every resident should have one by now.

The link below is an invitation from us which gets you a FREE card.  You just need a smartphone to enter the number and download the app. The physical card arrives soon afterwards. Again, it’s well worth getting in advance of any visit.

Next, we help you visit.

Book a hire car in Spain

The airport you will fly into is Malaga Airport. From here you can hire a car. Discover have some of the best car hire deals that can be found.

Car deals with discovercarhire

You will be very surprised at the prices of hire cars out of season. There is an excellent reason for that. Hire companies need lots of cars at peak times. During quiet times, they need to park their vehicles. During quiet times, they should be at least out on the road rather than being parked up.

The nearest town to Park La Posada is Antequera, which is the best place to stay while checking out the park and area. There is an excellent selection of hotels; the link below will take you straight.

Book your stay in Antequera

Open a WISE account

Residents you talk to during a visit have been through the whole process. They are a great source of information. From first visiting the park to making the leap over the bay of Biscay into Spain.

They will soon tell you that with our help it was all too easy and of course we are here to help. How to visit, how to save money and how to settle in Spain. It is all here.

Our job is to make the whole process as stress free as possible and we take pride in what we do. It starts with the information newsletter we send out every week.